Sunday, April 15, 2007

Noreaster Sundays are for finishing things

I have been very productive today. Every New Yorker needs a day that is declared a "stay in doors if you can" day by our local weather men. Well, it's not even 5pm, and I've accomplished a lot of chores today.

First, I woke up and did the dishes and cleaned my nasty apartment. Then I washed my hair, and then I finished my skirt!!! It's all done, and came out a lot better than I expected. The zipper is perfect too, the hem sucks, but that's okay. Gives it character.

Right now I'm going to take all of those clothes and measure them... before I can launch my store, i have to measure each and every thing, not to mention look closely for anything that i might have to alert the buyer to... ("tiny hole here", "small stain here where you can't even see it unless i told you it was there, but had to", etc... all that stuff that comes with buying vintage)

So, that is what I will spend the rest of my afternoon doing.
OH, and then I'm going to make these porkchops for dinner mmmmmmmmmmmm.

1 comment:

Max said...

Hawt fire! I want one.